Ulrich Burgy
(1645-1705) |
Ulrich Burgy
• Bernese Peasant War: Bernese Peasant War, 1653. I was 8 years old when the Bernese Peasant War broke out. The war was caused by widespread resentment between the peasants and the ruling class. The Obrigkeiten in Berne and in Lucerne carried out a devaluation of the currency, which they passed the cost off onto their rural Untertanen. The open revolt erupted in the beginning of February 1653 in Lucerne's Entlebuch. Although the war was short lived, the ruling class was now aware that the peasants wouldn't tolerate their abuses. • Villmergen War, 24 Jan 1656. I was eleven years old when the Villmergen War occurred. The war was caused by the Catholic Church attempting to exert itself into the lives of the Swiss people. The conflict was between the Calvinists and the Catholic Church. The Calvinists lost this battle and many had to flee the country. However, northern Switzerland remained Protestant and the state church continued to be Swiss Reformed. • Moved, Abt 1668, Biglen, Bern, Switzerland. We moved to Biglen, Bern shortly after our marriage. • Persecuted, 1671. The plight of our fellow Mennonites became precarious during the start of 1671. Several members of our church were imprisoned, including children. Hendrick de Backer wrote to our Netherland brethren seeking aid. Hendrick received a letter in reponse from our Netherland brothers and read it to our congregation. • Persecuted, 1693. Life for Mennonite families was becoming intolerable. The government in Bern spared no means to root us out. Forty Mennonites were executed in Bern this year. The government also employed severe fines, total confiscation of property, long imprisonments, fearful torture, and banishment from the country. The occasion for these extreme measures was not fear of riot or revolution; it was zeal for the unity of the state church. The Bernese government was determined to maintain control over the religious faith and life of its subjects. They regulated everything so as to affect the unity of the church and the salvation of the masses. This was the basic reason for compulsory infant baptism, for oaths and for the emphasis on the sacredness of the state offices, and finally for the grounds on which they based their persecution of the Mennonites. Hence the reason for the oppressive measures taken against us was religious, not political. ![]() Ulrich married Elsbeth Hasler about 1667.615 (Elsbeth Hasler was born about 1645 in Langnau Bern, Switzerland and died after 1705.) |
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