Geertruy Andriessen
(1619-Bef 1682) |
Geertruy Andriessen
• purchase. I bought land from Cristoffel Davidts. To the north of me lived Madame Ebbingh and to the south lived Jurriaen Westvael. The land I The land she bought was considered two parcels of about 36 morgens, plus about 20 morgens of pastureland, extending to the woods. The price for this land was 1400 guilders of which Davidts has been paid all but 600, per a previous agreement with Stoll made on July 13, 1657. • Court. hendrick Cornelizen plaintiff versus Geerturyd Andries, defendant. Plaintiff demands two skepels of wheat from defendant. defendant days, she has no wheat and must wait, until the wheat is ripe. Plaintiff, says, he is content with zeewan at four guilders the skepel; demanding costs. Defendant says she has no zeewan. The court orders the defendant to pay the eight guilders with compensation of cost. ![]() Geertruy married Albert Hendrick in 1642 in Netherlands. (Albert Hendrick was born in 1613 in Netherlands and died before 1648.) ![]() Geertruy next married Jacob Jansen Stol in 1648 in Fort Orange, New York. (Jacob Jansen Stol was born in 1610 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands and died in 1659.)
• marriage. Our marriage was shaky because Hap struggled with his weakness for heavy drink and had a reputation as a drunken Dutchman. ![]() Geertruy next married Aert Martensen Van Doorn on 18 Dec 1661 in Kingston, New Amsterdam.
• Moved. We established our home in Wiltwyck, New Amsterdam. |
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