Mary Andrews
- Born: 15 Apr 1643, Farmington, Connecticut
- Christened: 16 May 1658, Farmington, Connecticut
- Marriage (1): Thomas Barnes on 23 Mar 1663 in Farmington, Connecticut
- Marriage (2): Jacob Bronson in 1682 in Hartford, Connecticut 839
- Marriage (3): Thomas Benedict
- Died: Apr 1676, Farmington, Connecticut at age 33
Mary married Thomas Barnes on 23 Mar 1663 in Farmington, Connecticut. (Thomas Barnes was born on 26 Aug 1623, christened on 2 Sep 1635 and died in 1679 in Farmington, Connecticut.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Marriage Agreement, 23 Mar 1662. March 23, 1662 3 it having plesed the lord in the dispanashon of his profidans too me and myne soo too ordar it that thar is lykele to be an afynity betwixt Thomas Barns of Farming Toune and John John Andros of the same toune By the maryge of the aforesaid Barns with the daughter of the aforesaid John Andros the covine and agremant betwixt the aforesaid John Andros and Thomas Barns consarning the pramisys ar as foullouth:
Furst that the aforesaid Barns does give too his tandar (intended ?) wife his now dwelling hous and orchard and house lot that is now inclosed with all the apurtynanses belonging too it to be her one dispose deuaring the tyme of her natarall lyfe.
2) the aforesaid Barns dooth covinant too and with the aforesaid John Androus too lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife: : I say too lefe too hur a nice and comforaball maayntynanse for hur sallf acording too the istate that the lord hath or shall blas us with all and allso I doo bynnd my sallf too lefe with my loving wife so much istate as is met and comfurtabill for the bringing up of such childrun as the lord shall be plesed to give to us to bring them up acoring too the Rulls of the gospull.
3) The aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant and agre too and with the aforesaid John Andros that he will lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife hallf the moofabills in the house or hous holld goods for his wife to make use of them for for hure one comfort deuaring the tim of her natarall life: : at the end thur of what shall be remayning of thum too returne too gather with the hous and hom lot and orchard with the apurtynansis belonging to thum too be dispose of acording too the last wish and testymant of the aforesaid Thomas Barns.
4) the aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant too and with the aforesaid John Andros too give to his tandar wif a joyntar that shall be at hur dipos to give and bequeth to hom she ples after the deaces of her husbun : : it being hur one pacullar rit which Joyntar contayns a parsall of land by istymashun six ackars more or los lying in a parsall of land cald the allebow (elbow) a buting on the revire north and on the revur south and on the land of Moses vantras east and west.
5) the aforesaid Thomas Barns dooth convinant too and with the afore said John Androus to putt out all of his chilran axsupting his son bunjyman barns only and if that the afore said barns together with the desire of his his wife shall se it comfurtabull for him sallf and his wif and child he hath luburty and poure to cep (keep) his dautar hany (Hannah) barns at home with him to be surfvisabil to him untull that she depart her natarall lif or till god shall dispos of hur in maridg. This aforesaid wif of Thomas barns hath poure now too give the joyntar abof spusifd or when she ples but the agre or agre (?) of it or not too injoy it tull aftur the deses of the aforesaid barns. In witness too the promisis I hafe set too my hand an synd and delivurd this in the presans of witnus Sam Stell
The mark T of Thomas barns
Thomas Barnes' Will (Hartford Probate Records Vol. VI) A Deede of Gifts made by Thomas Barens SenrJune 9, 1688 These may... all concerned that I Thomas Barens Senior of ffarmington in Connecticut in New England for and in consideration of my matarall love, and good affection to my wife and children hereafter mentioned, and for other good causes me hereunto movinge have fiven and granted as followeth: ...In primis To my beloved wife Mary Barens I give the use and Improvement of halfe my home lot, dwelling house, orchards, Barn and yardes Lyinge and geinge in the towne ship of ffarmington, a(nd) also the use and improvement of halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Conchee. The use of the land and houseinge above mentioned, I give to my afovesaid wife duringe the terme of her natarall life, and then too turne to my sons as shall bee hereafter mentioned... to hi also agive halfe my teame tacklinge, and haffe my Quickstocke, also halfe of my household goods, and utensills belonging to husbandry. The particulary abode mentioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my beloved wife provided shee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of all my just debts.
To my son Thomas Barens, I give the one halfe of my house lott, dwellinge house orchards, Barnes and yards lyinge and geinge within the township of ffarmington. also give halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Concheel, with halfe my quick stocke, and halfe my household staff. Also halfe my teame tackling and utensills belonging to husbandry, and all my other tooles And implements, to be enterfed upon and possessed by him (my son Thomas) at and after my decease... moreover I give to my son Thomas Barens The other halfe of my homelot House, barne orchards and yards, Lying in ffarmington but not to be entered upon possessed and disposed of my him as his own proper estate untill his mother shall be deceased. The particulars above emntioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my sone Thomas Barens, provide hee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of my just debts.
To my son Ebenezer Barnes, I give the one halfe of the rest of my land in paquabuck meadow and in Conchee to be entered ujpon, possessed and improved and disposed of by him as his own proper estate, from and fater the time of his mother's decease and not till then:.. To my son Ebenezer I also give my four acre lot Lying at Rattle..Snake Hill; and the one halfe of the rest of myh wood lands, or out lands Lying with in ffarmington bounds. To be entered upon and possessed by him as his proper estate, when he shall come to age of twenty and one years. The other halfe of these last mentioned wood lands or outlands I give to my son... Thomas barens only my son Ebenezer shall have Liberty to make choise of any one division among my outlands, which may be most accommadable to his settlement.
To my children which are already gon from mee and disposed in marriage, I have formerly given according to my abillity, with which I expect they shall acquiese... The Lands mentioned in the premises To be given to my sons Thomas, and Ebenezer, according to the termes and Tenor befour expressed I due by these give and grant unto them, with all ye proviledges, appurtenances and profitts thereto belonging, for them the said Thomas and Ebenezer Barens thgeir (Heores), executors adminstrators and assigns, to have and to holde, from and after my decease and their mothers (as is above expressed) forever, without any eviction ejection claims or molestation from or by any person, or persons whatsoever, claiming or that may claime the same from mee, the said Thomas Barens, by any manner of way, or means whatsoever, in Confirmation whereof I have subjoined my hande and sett to my seale as followeth Witnes To Ye Hand by me John Hooker Thomas Barens ("X") his marke
The outside of the will says" March 7th 1689/90 John Hooker of farmingtowne (per)sonall apeared before me and made oath that he was (per)sonally present at the sighning of this within written testament that it was the voluntary ackt of Thomas barens Senior decess before me William Lewis Comss'r (Ye) day aforesaid
From Barnes Genealogies
Mary next married Jacob Bronson in 1682 in Hartford, Connecticut.839
Mary next married Thomas Benedict.